Friday, October 8, 2010


In discussion with my tutor with regard to my initial concept, he refocused me to the area which interested me most - the sloping roof tops. This led to the concept of folded architecture/landscape architecture. On his advice I am going to concentrate more on the design and reinvention of design rather than on the building's specific function. This will allow me greater freedom with my ideas and to come up with something more striking than focusing on the function of the building.

I will begin by removing as many walls as is feasible from the existing building and be left with the rooftops and some supports. I will then manipulate the remaining structure to provide a ‘level’ for the new architecture. Further levels will be copied from this structure and twisted and turned to intertwine the levels into a single structure with a hint of continuing floor level such as in a carpark.

My chosen architecture, the Marques de Riscal Hotel, has undertones of this idea in its roof top which swirls around on supporting columns. My design will be more linear and angular as Layar is unlikely to support such curved shapes. I intend to use some of the colouring from the Hotel in my design as I find it quite striking.

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