Saturday, October 23, 2010

Layar Attempt

The first attempt at putting it in Layar did not work well at all. Josh had to fix some things his end and my model came out with some strange textures which I don't believe I had applied. The sizing was also completely wrong.

I have remodelled the pavillion to reduce polygons (7,000+), completely redone the textures and optimized the model to be under the 5,000 polygons required. I have spent some time scaling it and moving it for layar and the results are as follows:

The model has now come out better, however the scaling is still completely wrong. In 3ds Max the model is approximately l-16.5 x w-14 x h-9.3 m. But the layar picture above is at 419m distance. When I move in closer my eye level is what seems to be around 4.5 m. I think I will need to test it on an iPhone to see how it appear through that.

I zoomed in on this just to show the three textures. The white plaster texture has come out well but has no texture from a distance. The sandstone is looking a bit bland. The glass texture was a standard one from Sketchup but Layar does not support transparency. Whilst I wish to use these sort of textures/colouring for my pavillion, it is interesting to see that it is not as striking in texture as my glasshouse in assignment 1. The detailed texture in that worked well whereas a plain texture here just becomes rather cartoonish.

I feel somewhat disappointed with the Layar result as the renders have come out well using Vray in Sketchup. Ironically, something with more detail may work better and perhaps not being quite so large. Another potential issue I have learnt with this is that my pavillion is completely elevated off the ground so that arguably is not going to be much fun to 'walk around' and can probably only be viewed with any interest from a distance. I am considering taking the lower level of stairways off and placing it directly on the ground just for the Layar exercise.

Conclusion :
Structures are possibly best at around the 2-3m mark. Structures which are on the ground level will be more engaging even if they reach up into the sky. Detailing is relatively important to engage the viewer. I am thinking a maze type structure might be the most entertaining use in Layar where one might be able to walk through a series of rooms with detailing in each of those rooms.

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