This is a sketch of the exterior of Fleur's World. She lives in the greenhouse and hangs out in the garden. She sits in the round flowerbed dead still to capture bees that mistake her for a flower. Under the tree you can see a pile of leaves she has started to collect which she will store in the bucket for food.
This is the interior of Fleur's home. She sleeps in the pot on the top shelf on the left hand side. When it rains, water comes in through the open window and so she is able to take a shower in the round plastic basin on the floor. There is a broken mirror on the floor which she uses to practise her poses in front of. Fleur is french and she likes to have a little tipple of wine before she goes to bed. She talks to her friends on the shelf Pansy, Ivy and Spike.

Fleur lives in the greenhouse in a corner of a walled garden.

She has a watering can to provide her food. She collects garden debris in the wooden bucket for food.

She is very house proud and likes to keep everything neatly on the shelves.

This is a detail of Fleur's head you can see her mouth beneath the flower detail on her head. When she wants to attract mates she flutters her petals like a peacock does its tail.

She has just one eye which is located on top of her head so she can see approaching bees and be ready to catch them to eat.

Here you can see her defensive weapons from animals: a spiked tail which is also useful for picking up dead leaves which she hates to see lying around. A hooked beak which she uses to defend her stalk which is quite exposed. She has red spots along her stalk which protects her from animals as red spots act as a deterrent. Her hands are hidden underneath leaf like feathers. She has large round sucker feet which allow her to fix to the ground as if she is 'planted' so if someone tries to pick her up she does not move easily.
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